Friday, February 2, 2007
In attempting to explain his suicidal interview with the Observer Joe Biden offered that his use of the word "clean" to describe Barak Obama came from an expression his mother used, "Clean as a whistle, sharp as a tack."
Not only does this explanation not in any way differ from the conventional use of the word "clean" but it also leaves us with a stated presidential candidate who when caught in a gaff, blamed his mother!
What's next for candidate Biden? A discussion on the evils of apple pie? Perhaps a rousing flag burning?
It's a shame, I love the way Biden governs. If only he didn't have to get elected (a lament true of so many democrats).
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Hey! Great start!
I'd like to give Biden the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he meant "clean" as in no corruption or scandal on Obama's record?! I mean... that IS a pretty rare finding in politics these days! Of course, if he meant that why didn't he just explain it later? My theory is that the intensity of the media response affected him like a deer in the headlights; HE doesn't even remember what he meant anymore!!!!
But hey, good point, he starts by blaming his MOM??? Now that's pretty pathetic!
Looking forward to hearing more from you!
Don't be silly. It's clear what Biden meant, and you don't need to read between the lines to figure it out. He meant Obama is the only national black political leader alive today who isn't dirty, as in Jesse Jackson with his wandering penis type of dirty, Al Sharpton with his poverty pimpin', chase da money an' git whitey style of dirty, Farakhan with his goofy spaceships waitin' to take da brothahs home dirty, and all the rest of the worthless black jackasses who would pretend to the throne of King of All Blacks.
Biden said Obama is articulate and clean. That's a hell of a compliment when it's coming from a political foe. And if you must read between the lines... consider what Biden didn't say: that Jesse Jackson, Reverend Al and all the rest, are dirty, corrupt, inarticulate, scumbag retards who have used their "blackness" as a means to gain wealth and power at the expense of the American black community.
Nice, a volatlite, race-baiting post! Now my blog is official :). Much appreciated.
Well, there's your positive spin. Inspite of the failings you've mentioned, it's a far cry to describe either Jackson or Sharpton as inarticulate.
Actually I think you're wrong about Biden. That may be what you think, but I think Biden was far more innocent in his poor choice of words and probably just meant "clean" as in fresh or new. The blaming his mother tho...:).
It bears mentioning too just how even raising the issue of aritculateness inevitably brings to mind the classic backhanded compliment from whites to blacks of "And he speaks so well". Anyone with any racial sensitivity at all would be well aware of this history and tread more carefully. Terms like "brilliant orator" do a far more accurate job anyway of describing Obama's unique (for any race) ability with words.
I don't see how Jackson, Sharpton can be said have done anything at the "expense" of the black community. Their presence doesn't keep and didn't keep Obama from doing his thing or any other responsible black leaders. Both Jackson and Sharpton have also made positive contributions, inspite of their failings.
You don't need to trash what has come before to celebrate what is new. That goes for you and Biden. "clean" and "articulate" are condescending, particularly when describing a person who is so clearly so much more. I'm sure with his new 20/20 hindsight, Biden would agree.
See the current 2/4 Week in Review in the NY Times.
Race baiting? I think not. I'd call it race consciousness, and I'd rather I didn't have to waste time paying attention to who is this color, and who is that color, but the assholes who make their paychecks off of such things; the same assholes who were "officially outraged" over Joe Biden referring to Barrack Obama as clean and articulate, would prefer that I see Obama not simply as an extremely bright, brilliant politician, but merely as a po' blackass nobody, who needs to be po'tected f'om dat evil white devil, Biden.
Joe Biden is the the dude who called race into play, not me, and I must say I'm disgusted with him for apologizing for his politically incorrect, but truthful remark; And I might add, YOU called race into the game as well, with your initial post.
And you dare call Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton articulate? I suppose that makes sense fo' Jesse, if'n the posticulation o' da miscalculation wit regards to da misinfomification o' da peoples who's be listifyin' on da guvmint's identifyin' o' da... blah blah blah inarticulate inarticulate inarticulate, no transcript available, unable to transcribe words that don't exist...
C'mon man, who are you bullshitting? Jesse Jackson is an idiot. He couldn't get a job at a car wash, except for the fact that he happened to be on that same balcony when MLK was shot.
And Reverend Al... Jesus Christ, do you not remember Tawana Brawley?
There are true leaders within the American black community, but you'll not see them label themselves as black leaders, you'll only know them as leaders.
And as far as "backhanded compliments" from whites to blacks, such as "he speaks so well," Uh... as an employer, I can tell you truthfully that speaking well is not just a nicety, it is a necessity. I hire speakwellers, and I hire non-speakwellers. The employees who speak well have opportunity for advancement, the employees who speak ghetto gibberish, do not. They are worthless to me for their lack of ability to communicate with customers. So... bottom line, if you want to get somewhere in life, dump the ghetto talk.
So... back to Obama, the boy is sharp, (there there now, is that better than saying he's clean?) He speaks well, and he's got balls.
I hope he runs, and I hope he kicks ass.
You're only seeing what you want to see. Sharpton gave some quite eloquent speeches in 2003 and often was the only one speaking clearly on a stage full of pretenders to the throne. I've seen the man capitalize on bad things happening to other people but you're shutting your eyes to where he's done well. Same for Jesse Jackson. He's not an idiot. I've seen the man speak at Riverside Church. Maybe he wears a bit too much gold, but he's an excellent speaker. Also not for nothing, but he's negotiated a few impressive hostage releases in his time.
It sounds like you know some leaders in the black community that I should know more about. Please list them so I can see what you're talking about.
As for speakwellers, sure, but that's not just a black phenomena. It sounds to me like you're falling into the Bill Cosby camp of getting frustrated that not every poor black kid is on the bus yet. There are millions of poor whites who speaks every bit as badly but you don't see people making a big deal everytime a white person puts a sentence together. It's an existing stigma. I didn't make it up.
As for Biden, I agree, he did bring it up. I also agree that Obama is the bomb and that he's destined to be our first black president. Just not in 2008. As you can see from the picture, I've met the man. He has the same kind of electricity coming off him that people say about Bill Clinton. You can't take your eyes off him and he's also the most down to earth and kindest person you could imagine. Obama's far more than articulate, he's probably the best speaker in American politics.
Come to think of it, there a plenty of rich whites who are equally verbally challenged. Sometimes they even get elected President.
Let's see... black leaders who don't use their skin color for profit and/or political capital:
Ward Connerly, Bill Cosby, Tiger Woods, Colin Powell, and a really well-spoken dude who works for me... and did I mention Ward Connerly?
I wouldn't allow Sharpton or Jackson to buy me a beer, but if you're of the opinion that their good deeds outweigh their bad, then so be it.
Cosby is catching hell for refusing to accept current American black culture as satisfactory, and for refusing to give excuse to young black kids who can barely be understood, as a result of their manner of speaking. The Cos is a personal hero for me because of this - and I don't imagine he'd accept retard-speak from any other colors of people as well.
And as for those rich, powerful whites who pronounce "nuclear" as "nucular," and mangle our language by making up their own words whenever they can't 'member the real one, such as "stategery..." Well, I'm in agreement with you that George W. Bush is a supreme dumbass, and I'd be of the opinion that HE couldn't get a job at the car wash either, except for the fact that his daddy owns the car wash...
Lordy lordy lordy, that boy is just scary retarded. Pray that we make it to 2008 without him having blown up the world before we get there.
So... you say Obama can't get to the throne in 2008? I think he could, and I think he might. I just hope like hell he doesn't throw in with Hillary as her veep. I don't believe Hillary's "bitch," whoever that turns out to be, will be able to salvage any shred of credibility after teaming up with her Ladyship, Dame Plasticus.
Fair enough.
Personally I just don't think Obama was born to be anyone's VP. As for actually taking the crown himself. I would be loving giving 110% for him in the general, but I honestly don't think he's ready yet. But I definitely think he's the man when he is, and hey...if he can pull it off, more power to him (literally).
As for Hillary. Personally, my reading of the tea leaves is that she and Bill are old time 60's liberals who recognized that they weren't going to change a blade of grass if they didn't pick their battles. That strategy worked pretty well for Bill. Hillary of course is no Bill, but they are an intellectual team. Electing Hillary is basically hiring the same management team that delivered peace and, albeit with many flaws, prosperity for 8 years. They also have proven they know how to win.
Cosby's thing is understandable. If you work hard you don't want to be judged based on anyone else who doesn't work as hard as you. This is one of those cases I think where the truth is in the middle. If you simply blame society and do nothing for yourself, you won't overcome societal inequities. But at the same time, if you deny that the societal inequities are real and that they play a role in keeping people down, then you're never going to solve the problem of seeing that particular group rise together. The lines are also blurred by pure economics. This country in particular oppresses its poor - of all races. Personally, I think Cosby's approach reflects frustration and not the most productive solution to the problem. Of course he also puts his money where his mouth is, but in general I think people are enticed to grow by being given hope and optimism along with opportunity. Shaming people rarely produces any results that are positive.
To me this is the best reason to be excited about Obama. All the kids out there who will see and learn from his example.
Your list is interesting. I wouldn't call Tiger Woods a "leader" other than in Golf, but ok. Ward Connerly is new to me, I think. I just googled him. He seems to be of the opinion that the best way to deal with race issues is to pretend they don't exist. This is an internal struggle in the black community between those who have succeeded and don't want their success to be tainted by thoughts of preferential treatment and those for whom race plays a role in keeping them down. The third group, just plain deadbeat - well, we'll never know how many of them there actually are unless black people do stick together and try to rise as one.
It's a complicated mix of issues. Economic stratification in the black community mixed with racial stratification in the country at large. Throw in the general political principles of republicans vs democrats. People like Connerly make bedfellows with republicans but for their own reasons. They want to be recognized as individuals but by whom? A group that will only let so many individual blacks succeed and works hard to make sure that's the case. Clarence Thomas is the model that most comes to mind. He thinks just like Connerly, but doesn't seem to know that he was the ultimate affirmative action hire. But you won't hear any ghetto-speak coming from him. You also haven't seen a single black judge nominated for the Supreme Court since him.
It's a decision that successful blacks have to make for themselves. Whites don't agree among themselves whether they want an egalitarian society where everyone has a fair chance so it's no surprise that successful blacks don't either. The same question is harder for a successful black person because they not only struggled economically, but they also overcame racial barriers. No one can make them then look back down at those who weren't as industrious, smart, or lucky and offer help. You have to want to do it, and it's not hard to see why someone in that position would think they've done enough just by setting the example.
Hopefully Obama (I would say the Obamas of the world but.... I've only every seen one), can help show why everyone counts while at the same time inspire those who need it most. He's absolutely the leader that this whole country, not just the black community has needed for....a long long time.
I'm glad you think he can win. I think he is a definite threat for the nomination. I have serious doubts about him taking the general tho. I'd rather see him better prepared and have it be more of a coronation when his time does come. Either way it's going to be exciting to see him run.
So who's Obama's bitch gonna be? :)
Jeez... where to start?
I respect and admire Ward Connerly because I agree with his philosophy, that of looking at affirmative action as a short term positive, but a long term negative with regards to skin color giving a leg up on the competition - except that it's not supposed to be a competition between skin colors... but shit, it is, and it has been... and your take on the issue is sharp and inspires thought.
I have only my own life experiences to guide my practices and philosophy on racial matters, personal and professional:
I was in the USAF in the early 80's, and it was there that I learned the positive aspects of a meticulously even playing field. A person's promotion was based only upon merit and demerit - there was no affirmative action, there were Clarence Thomas type promotions of people based on "wouldn't it be great if we had a black general we could point at when people say we're racist?" That was a good thing. America's military figured out race relations long before the rest of the nation.
But: I've worked for the last seven years in the affordable housing industry, and the absolute bullshit I've had to put up with with regards to affirmative action has driven me insane. There are laws that force developers using partial public funds for affordable housing to give preference to minority or woman owned construction firms, and there are laws that force you to provide "affirmative marketing" of the properties once they're complete and being leased up. Laws of this type are amazingly unfair horseshit, and they are unconstitutional - but; because they're (supposedly) in favor of minorities and women, no one has the balls to contest them.
This is where Connerly and Cosby come in. It's 2007, and it's time to throw all this bullshit away. If you're a minority or a woman, and you own a construction company, God bless you, you're kicking ass - but; you have NO right to gain preference over other construction companies because of your race or gender, and while this might benefit you personally in the short term, the long term effect is to cause developers to mistrust minority/woman owned construction firms, and to avoid them whenever possible.
Affirmative action is a double edged sword. It was absolutely necessary in the past, but I believe its use in todays world is unnecessary, and only causes resentment.
Aw crap - I'm all wound up now, but to hell with that, it's time for bed.
You have interesting and insightful views on the world that surrounds us. I appreciate your sharing them. Please continue.
Whoops - I meant to there were NO Clarence Thomas type promotions!
And Obama's running mate?
Damn good question. Ms. Clinton of course comes immediately to mind... but I'd think she'd rather poke her own eyeballs out than run as ANYONE'S No. 2
So who's left? John Edwards might be enough of a whore to do it... but that would be a bad choice for Obama. Edwards proved he can raise money, but he's a shitty speaker, and he doesn't have anything interesting to say or do.
So lets see... Kerry's a no-brainer, Gore's washed up, and, and...
Here you go: Bill Richardson. He's too liberal to be president, and he's not enough of a player to win the DNC nomination, but he'd be a smokin' good pick for Obama - or Hillary.
Who do you think is going to pick up the GOP nomination? I was thinking Giuliani had it nailed, but his veiews on abortion rights are dragging him down.
Ha! I once built a recording studio for a public university in NY State and I was required to pruchase equipment from 5 minority owned vendors. Right off the bat this precluded me getting a volume discount. Then there was the issue that there literally aren't 5 minority owned pro audio vendors in NY state. I finally had to schmooze the VP of purchasing until he gave me the 5 they used as defaults to get around this type of thing.
I'm not entirely in your camp on this one, but it needs a more careful parsing then I can do right now.
Hmmm, so Barak Hussein Obama and a hispanic VP - didn't Dave Chappelle make a joke about that - "If I was the first black president I'd have a Mexican as my Vice President so no one would hurt me. I'm sure they'd want to hurt me, but they'd only be opening up the border". (not verbatim, but close enough).
Yeah, I dunno, for the same reason Hillary needs one I think Obama needs an old white guy behind him. With that in mind I guess the same name comes to me for either one - Bill Nelson. Get Florida.
As for the republicans - it's great watching them for once be as disorganized and the dems usually are. Guiliani will burn out so fast once the rest of the country finds out who he really is. Even if that doesn't happen, the man has a penchant for self-destruction. Also bear in mind that he never one a race that was actually competitive. Anyone could've beaten David Dinkins that year and Ruth Messinger? C'mon. If they're smart they'll go with Mike Huckabee or something, but probably McCain will get the nod. There was an article in the Times yesterday about how he already picked out his hatchet men.
Thanks for the kind words. I wasn't planning on thinking this hard when I casually thought "why not start a blog?" Thanks for the kick start :o) It's been a pleasure sharing your thoughts.
Wow, I am tired.
"Never one" should be "never won" :). How the hell do you edit these comments?
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