Sunday, February 25, 2007

Bob Herbert, Republican Stooge

Herbert has no shame in borrowing from the same right wing, empty, broad-stroke criticisms always leveled at Hillary (but not so much Bill) regarding ambition and general political gamesmanship.

"There would be no Obama phenomenon if an awful lot of people weren’t fed up with just the sort of mean-spirited, take-no-prisoners politics that the Clintons and the Bush crowd represent."

Bullshit. Obama is charastmatic - that's it. I have yet to hear any ideas from the man that could be characterized as revolutionary in any way. Hell, Fox News is already letting him have it for 100% party-line voting record in the Senate. For me, charastmatic and the right ideas are enough, even if they aren't new ideas. The man just doesn't have his machine together yet. He's too new. Give him some time to live up to all the hype. Sending him up against republicans now is sending a lamb to slaughter.

Lumping the Clintons and the Bushs is also insane. One is a dynastic family of skull & bones aristocrats who have ruled this country for generations. The other is poor white trash from Arkansas who had a one in 300 million gift for reading people and was the scariest thing to challenge the aforementioned dynasty since Kennedy (and look what happened to him).

Herbert is the perfect voice for the suicidal utopian left who keep waiting for Jesus to come back and in one fell swoop turn planet earth into a Disney movie. You want mean-spirited? It's republicans. It's the Bush family. It's Dick Cheney. Don't tear down the only people who have the will and ability to fight that fire. The only concrete thing I've ever heard Hillary accused of - although it's been disguised as "conniving", "whore" "evil" whathaveyou - it's all the same thing - ambition (ok, that and whitewater...:). It's total crap. No man has ever been so vilified for ambition, hell even for actual evil acts. Thank God (you know, in my way) that Hillary has that ambition or we'd be shit out of luck in 2008.

Honestly, really....c'mon now. I LOVE Obama. He's awesome. Ask yourself, do you REALLY think this country would elect Barack Hussein Obama President? You want to talk about mean-spirited, you ain't seen shit until you seen the republican machine in full tilt going after this guy.

Addressing Herbert's feeble point, yes, he's right. Wolfson's aim was to knock Obama out from under his halo. The real story is simply that it was uncharacteristically ham-fisted and poorly executed for the Clinton camp. Rather than present some juggernaut machinery it looked more like a freshman mistake. As I've written elsewhere, the only thing Clinton should've addressed regarding Geffen's comments was that they were both sexist and hypocritical in accusing her of some kind of abnormal ambition. This wasn't the opening they were looking for to get Obama dirty and it's too bad they couldn't see that. Is there anything wrong with the overall strategy? Hell no. That's politics. Are they making shit up about him? No. Are they swiftboating him? No, just campaigning against him and trying to show that he's human too. This is what any serious challenger would be doing right now. I'm sure Obama's people take it as a sign of their power and potential, as they should.

I saw Hillary campaign against Rick Lazio and.... I shit-you-not I can't remember the name of the guy she just beat last year, but there was no BS in either campaign. They were fair and square and she won through hard work and listening to people. This BS propaganda from utopian losers and the right is just that.

Also, the bit about her losing the black vote... Maybe in the primary...maybe, but I got news for Mr. Herbert. Blacks in general have no problem whatsoever casting a vote for a Clinton. The real fear is that Obama, being black, still won't pull in that whopping percentage of the voting public. Like most people who aren't crazy assholes who like losing year after year, blacks want to win and they've seen Clinton do it before. An even deeper truth is that Clinton actually doesn't need the black vote, but the point that everyone should pay attention to, is that she wants it anyway. Good luck painting the Clinton's as racists. See if you can get Maya Angelou on that bus while you're at it.

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